Join our group coaching program VOCAL FREEDOM SYSTEM for the speaking voice.
How can you use mindfulness exercises to release tension from your voice? It may be a new way of dealing with vocal tension for you but research tells us that it actually works. So stay open-minded and keep on reading.
I truly believe that if you are experiencing vocal tension and you are not considering your thoughts and emotions as a factor that causes some of that tension, then you are...
Do you love or hate straw exercises? Here are five tips on how to make straw phonation work for you so that you can release more tension and strain from your voice.
If you know me a little bit, you know that I love straw exercises. I have been using straws in my practice for a long time and therefore, I know that people either love straws or hate them.
People who love them find a...
Have you been asking yourself: Why me? Why do I have MTD? How did that happen? Let me answer some of these questions so that you understand not only how you got it but most importantly, what you need to do to start your journey to a free voice without tension.
I have been helping people with vocal issues for a very long time. A big portion of those people have the diagnosis of Muscle...
Let me show you how to project your voice when speaking without straining it with just three simple steps. The best part is that your body can already do it. Let me show you how.
Many of my clients find themselves with a hoarse voice or scratchy feeling in their throat after talking to friends at a loud party or presenting to a group of people at work. And maybe you experienced it too....
Is vocal fry bad or not? Can vocal fry or a creaky door sound be useful for people with a strained voice? Let me share my take on it as well as my experiences with vocal fry.
In recent years, we’ve heard a lot of criticism about using vocal fry in your speaking voice. And it may be true that when you use vocal fry in communication with other people they may consider you lazy or untrained....
Let’s talk about the way we use our voices on Zoom or other online platforms. Why do you lose your voice easily? How is it different from talking face-to-face? Why do our voices get tired easily or even why do we lose our voice when talking online? I will be answering all these questions plus I will give you 5 tips on how to avoid vocal problems when speaking online.
Since the...
Why do you lose your voice over and over again and how to get your voice back after losing it many times? In this post, I am going to share three steps you need to take to get your voice in order and maintain good vocal health.
Can you relate to this scenario?
You lose your voice once. Not a big deal. It happens to everyone. You get your voice back after a few days. A few months later,...
Speaking from the diaphragm – what does it really mean and can using your diaphragm properly improve your weak or tired voice? Let's untangle some myths about diaphragmatic breathing and let me tell you that some interpretations of “speaking from the diaphragm” can put even more stress on your voice.
The phrase “speaking from the diaphragm” is very misleading...
What to do when your voice feels tired at the end of the day or even in the middle of the day after a long presentation? I’ll share three tips that can help you spruce up your voice.
Many voice clinics, voice therapists and vocal coaches observe a rising trend over the last year or so: many more people experience vocal fatigue at the end of the day after talking over Zoom or other...
Let me explain why you may be experiencing vocal strain and I will give you three steps to finding more vocal freedom.
If your voice gets easily tired, your throat feels tight, or if it hurts to talk, you may be experiencing vocal strain. In my 20+ years of experience, these are the most common complaints of people with vocal strain or muscle tension dysphonia. This change in the voice...
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