Have fun blowing into straws and make your voice stronger and richer at the same time. Go from a back-row singer to a soloist.

Use the  benefits of tube phonation and develop your voice with these simple exercises into a powerhouse. Forget a weak and shaky voice!

What You'll Discover With STRAW PHONATION Training:

  • Better Vocal Fold Closure
    Straw exercises encourage better vocal fold function to produce a stronger and more stable voice. Gain better coordination when producing sound and make your voice rich!
  • Better Airflow
    Learn how much air you need to produce a healthy and strong sound. You will be surprised to know that it's less than you think. Practice these fun exercises regularly and improve control over your breath.
  • Extend Vocal Range
    Learn how to navigate your vocal breaks with these exercises that are gentle on your vocal folds and efficient at the same time. Develop your range in both directions and sing any note you want.
  • And more ...

What's Included in This Training?

This is what you'll get with Vocal Freedom: Straw Exercises


Everything you need to know about straw exercises: rationale, how-to step-by-step instructions, exercises of various difficulty, demonstrations, and trouble shooting tips. Watch these lessons and turn your regular vocal practice into a fun-filled experience. 


5 audio files to accompany your vocal straw exercises. Build your own repertoire of exercises to warm-up your voice or practice a new skill. 

Find Confidence in Your Voice!

Get the training now!


What people are saying about straw exercises:

"Katarina, thank you so much for your clear teaching on the straw exercise. This has helped me take a huge leap in my voice abilities. I find now that instead of pushing to reach those high notes I can now just easily close my cords with almost the same air pressure and reach them with no effort." Antony


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